
Stars - Sara K.




Sara K.

专辑:《Hell Or High Water》


      专辑的十首歌曲以殿堂级大师 Sara K. 个人创作为主,唯有标题曲《Hell or High Water》由她的音乐伙伴 Jim Almand 写作(Sara K. 常出现在他专辑中),而《I Con't Stand the Rain》则是她以前乐团常翻唱的一首歌曲。Sara K. 的歌声比起年轻时期的作品更多了几分成熟的风韵,四弦吉他的技巧也仍然纯熟,对歌曲的诠释可说到了收放自如的地步。

  编曲由去年刚过世的 Chris Jones 负责,每首歌曲中都可以听到他精湛的吉他演奏。Chris Jones 在专辑完成之前就已经过世,负担起让音乐更为丰富的重责大任的,是全能乐手 Beo Brockhausen,他在专辑中负责的乐器多达十几种,从萨克斯风、打击乐器、竖琴一直到流行音乐中根本不可能出现的大键琴都有!也由于这样丰富的配器,这张专辑呈献出与以往老虎鱼专辑都不同的多样性,跳脱了单纯的民谣编制,而朝着更为完整圆熟的音乐风格前进。尤其是《Set You Free》曲末的大规模合唱更是少见的手笔。

  录音方面,Gunter Pauler 这次面对多样化的编曲,更是将他优异的录音技巧发挥到了极限。各种乐器的神韵捕捉都相当优秀,更让人惊讶的是混音的品质极高,让各个乐器都保持极佳的清晰度,但是在空间中却能幻化出惊人的空间感、立体感与真实感。如果你的音响系统够好,听这张唱片可能会比听现场更过瘾!本专辑除了两声道外也有着5.1声道的声轨,有多声道SACD系统的朋友们可别错过了聆听本片神奇的环绕感受!

Tangerines are hanging heavy, glowing marigolden hues
Teasing a half-pale moon
And I feel a pull to the blue-velvet dark and stars. 
Pink Magnolia, blushing and coy
Savors the sun while she shines
You’ve got yours and I’ve got mine
Together we glide through the blue-velvet dark and stars
All it takes is a little faith, and a lot of heart
Back and forth we ply these oars
They move in time and get entwined
Green with joy then gray with sorrow
Ripened fruit that falls tomorrow
Filling us with brilliance
Branches are bare with a pulse underneath
Flowering slowly inside
Your hands are warm and my body is wide
To hold all the promise of blue-velvet dark and stars
All it takes is a little faith and a lot of heart Sweetheart


01. Stars
02. Trouble (In Your Eyes)
03. Curtain Calls
04. Fish Outta Water
05. Something More
06. Hell Or High Water
07. I Can't Stand The Rain
08. Set You Free
09. Streetlight's On
10. Ship In A Bottle



